Saturday, December 26, 2009


I ever wonder why there is such thing as alcohol. Isn't it good if there's no such thing?
Why wanna make yourself drunk? If its not for her wedding I dont think I'll attend this wedding dinner. Why do I wanna make myself sad? Just because of you? All this turn up is just because of alcohol. If you dint drink can die? No drink can suffer? Now is me who suffer. Get scold for nothing. A happy day becomes a damn day. WTF! Already know your bad habit then stop drinking la. Why wanna make yourself so embarrass? IF were to choose I dont wanna choose you as my ******! Each and every time there's a dinner the result will turn out like this. IF i were to choose I dont wanna go. Just because she invited me herself. I have to give her face. Sigh. How I wish
I could change my fate and destiny....

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We want some figgy pudding
We want some figgy pudding
We want some figgy pudding
Please bring it right here!
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
So bring it out here!
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!


Friday, December 4, 2009

My Floorball Journey in FFC



I guess this phrase I should think again and again whether should I continue to be a Frontliners. Or not..?

I started to play Floorball when i was 13. It was demonstrated at my formal secondary school. That time Peter and Steven was in charge. At first I wasn't taking Floorball seriously till I was 14 when I was recommended to join FFC. In that particular year my team was named Chili Padi at the first tournament I had joined, Youthwave. But, my school club couldn't maintain long as there were no teacher advisor to supervised the club. Hence, the CGL club's player was getting fewer and fewer and now it is extinct.

In year 2005, I joined in every tournament that was organised by the club. Until there was PMR round the corner, I stopped training. Then on the January of year 2006, I joined back the training session. The whole journey was up and down in FFC. Throughout the years there was fun, frustration and enjoyment.

In year 2008. The FFC almost closed down due to insufficient members. I was terribly sad. I told myself that that moment onwards Floorball will be part of my life. I called up the man-in-charge and told him that if he needs my help to manage the club I'm willing to help with all my might. And ya. On the month of June I was assigned to be part of the committee to manage the club finance till today.

Finally in the year 2009. This was the 6th year I'm in FFC. As you would think, that my skills are good enough. But ITS NOT! I had drag and disappointed my team members during the game in Sukpen. They were expecting the team would go for the semis. But with my stupidity and carelessness, I turned them down. This was the worst feeling when you made mistakes in Floorball. Especially in COMPETITIONS. One silly mistakes the whole team needs to bear the consequences. But me? I had repeated the same stupid mistakes in one match. I'm so so sorry guys but I know that my apology will not help to change anything now. Therefore I'm considering whether should I pull out myself and not to touch Floorball again which is NOT my profession at all.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


我的心裡只有你 沒有他


只有你才是我夢想 只有你才教我牽掛

我的心裡只有你 沒有他
我的眼睛為了你看 我的眉毛為了你畫

自從那日送走你 回了家 那一天
不是我把自己恨 自己罵 只怪我
當時沒有將你留下 對著你把心來挖
讓你看上一個明白 看我心裡可有他

This song is specially dedicated to you..

Wish you can see what i had dedicated for you..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Day Had Just Past

Suppose to go for floorball but did not go..
Coz of some reason..

Went for a movie at Prangin..
To watch Phobia 2..
But the cinema turn me down..
Since reach there already but no Phobia for me...
So watch Pandorum instead..

The movie quite disgusting and scary..
But quite nice to watch..
Learn something in it..

Meet at Northam Cafe to eat dinner..
Went with his friends..
Reach there late as he keep on play game..
Then went for movie again at Gurney..
Watched Poker King..

This movie was hilarious..
Its quite touching in the end..
No bad guys in the movie..
Should go and watch it..

Saturday, November 7, 2009


5th Nov 2009

Plan to watch Phobia 2 with him..
But he wanna watch Ninja..
So watched at Gurney..

Overall the movie is just okok only..
But its extremely horrifying..
The bloods~~
My gosh!
Darn geli..
But its almost similar with G.I.Joe..
Makes me thinks that Japanese is a traitor..
The mentor takes his whole life time to teach him skills..
But the end was killed by their own disciples..
Just to get their desired things..
SELFISH is what i said..

Friday, October 23, 2009


在我最後一次 閉上眼睛之前
我想對你說 我愛你
在你懷裡 捨不得放棄
心理有千萬語 還沒有說給你聽
我使勁全力 不想閉上眼睛
這次告別就不能 再相遇
不能再陪你 但不要忘記
你曾經答應我 你會好好活下去

先走了 去了好遠的地方
不能再陪你看日出 等不到天亮
所有回憶 抹去卻並不容易
生死由天決定 不要太傷心


English Version

Before I close my eyes for the last time
I wish to tell you I love you
In your embrace, don't wish to let go
In my heart, thousands of words I have yet to tell you
I used all my strength to keep my eyes from closing
After this farewell, there will be no more meetings, no more can I be by your side
But please don't forget
You promised me you will live on as well as you can

I'm leaving first, leaving for a faraway place
I won't be able to watch the sunrise with you anymore
I won't be able to wait for dawn
Erasing all the memories, is not an easy thing
But life & death are predestined, don't be too sad

The story behind this song is..

A 17-YEAR-OLD skin cancer patient composed a song for her boyfriend during her final days. According to the description in the video, the teenager was very close to her boyfriend and the couple had decided to get married upon graduating.

One day, she underwent a check-up in school and doctors found abnormality in her blood protein.

Further examinations confirmed that the girl had an uncommon skin cancer. She had only one year to live.

The teenager started writing a dairy. From here, she realised that her boyfriend was so important and had become part of her life.

She wanted to give him a present.

During her final days, she wrote him a song and sang for him for the last time.

“I can no longer see the sun rises but I am not afraid because I have you by my side. I love you.” This is the last thing she said to him.

After the teenager died, the boyfriend had been travelling around the world to take photos of the sunrise in memory of his loved one.

The video description also mentioned the boyfriend also died a year later.

He had slipped and fell while hiking a hill to snap the sunrise photos.

It is so touching..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Movie Day

Yesterday go watch Meatball 3D wan..
The storyline quite nice..
Went to watch with her coz she bad mood..
I 1st time go watch 3D movie..
Dint know need to wear the spec wan and cost Rm15.00..
Not nice to wear..
Quite heavy for my nose to bear..
But it is worth to watch..
The movie was quite touching..
Its about Flint the Inventor who is living in a town in a small island..
Everyone looks down on him and his inventions..
But one day he succeed to invent a food machine that improve the lives of the people..
But he did not know that his machine will turn into a disaster..
What will happen next?
Go watch urself..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Genting Highlands

I'm gonna let the photos do its job..
Went Genting with him..

Start journey from here..

Then start journey with this at 10.15p.m.

Reach here at 4.30a.m.

We stay here for the night..

But because its still early so we waited at here till we fall asleep..

Get to check in at 12.00p.m.

Then walk around here..

After that watch this at here..

Then go back to hotel..
The next day..
Woke up at 11.15a.m...
Ate lunch at McDonald's..
Then wait for the bus..
Reach hometown safely..


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Not My Cup of Tea But It Will Be In The Future

Today went for floorball training..All things were as usual as there's meeting den continue with training..But before that Jason change the format of training..Pay fees first..well, there's pro and cons..As the members all pay their fee, one of the member's dad paid for his son as well for himself..when i were counting the money to tally with the account book, his dad noticed that his son stil had outstanding debts that yet to be he paid up and thought back that he said his wife told him that his son had cleared all the i told him..that was paid for last time's in order to make things clear he called up his wife tru handphone..His wife's sounded very angry..So he ask me to explain to her..

When i answer the call, she keep talk and talk and talk till i got no chance to explain to i stopped her.."Hey aunty aunty..we recorded each and every fees paid by the players..if u wan now onwards i'll open u a receipt once ur son pays..if thats alrite with u?" she terus shoot me.."I dun wan the receipt la..i just wan to noe now how much x owes the club!" when she was saying that, my mind was saying that "Hey..we dun wan ur money oso la..the money not goes to our just doing my job as a head of finance..ok?" But i dint talk to her this way cause it mite destroy the clubs i told her.."aunty, now x just owe till oct..only this amount had not been cleared" So she said.."okok..i'll ask his dad to pay today to clear all." " problem..sorry for the mistakes."

Therefore i realized that persuading, convincing and explaining to member's parent isn't my forte..Its quite a hard job for me to open my mouth to talk to parents about money issue..But I also realized that in the future i need to persuade, convince and explain to my subordinates as i'm looking forward to be a HR manager..


Friday, October 16, 2009

Bad Mood

I now feel like slapping people..
If noe wanna go out d do all ur duty first la..
Wanna go out den push all da duty to people..
Summo dare say me..
Do paling less wan is u d..
Kurang ajar betui..
If can i will give u 1 tight slap..
Tot u very clever ar?
Im stil elder den u ok?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Couz

HAPPIE BIRTHDAY to my cousin sister Soh Ter Syuen..
Sorry can't make it to your birthday celebration at The Ship..
Just a simple birthday song i can give to u..

Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to Ter Syuen..
Happy Birthday to you..

Love you always..

Monday, September 28, 2009


The more a person knows more of you the more careful you need to be..
This include your nearest person and your best frens..

This is how it goes..

A guy who i know for 2 yrs i guess..knows everything about me..almost everything..when he needs help he will come and beg me to do him a favor..When he dont needs me he treats me as a trash..He may joke and play a fool with me..but at the end slashes me with a sharp razor..all those words..too painful for a ordinary gurl to bear..all the things i had done..just treat is as i do a charity for you..all those begging you made, i will treat it as a needy needs a help..As there is a last word from me..never ever think that i will help you anymore..although you do your 'begging',my heart will treat you as hard as stone..without any mercy..

What 'he' say was a fool to be fooled by ppl over and over again..teaches me a lesson..never ever help ppl too much..never be too kind..ppl might step on your head..thats the lesson i've learnt in life and for life..

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, love with true love, laugh without control and always keep smiling.

Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance.....

Growing old is not for whimps.....Jock Smith & Bette Davis

Monday, September 21, 2009


我就看 Bailey一下。
Mana tau 我 suddenly 有个坏 idea。
给 Bailey 喝酒。
妈妈就说 “好呀。看它会变成怎么样!”
爸爸就说 “她会lao sai吗?!”
结果它在那边stim stim着。

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Restless But Happy Day

Part 1
Woke up at 8.45am..Went for training..Oni 8 ppl turn up..She in charge..Feel hungry throughout the time..was oni so-called 'game'..coz keep 'paused' by her..haha..sound like video clip huh..tats da way we trained that day..

Part 2

Went to watch this siao movie with him..He lauf till tears oso come out..1st time c him like tis..haha..sometimes very scary..i oso kena scared..This movie reli funny but too bad it divided into section wan..not whole story..Recommended to watch if u are sad..hehe..

Part 3
方姑姑today marry..went to her hse for dinner..every relative was there..enjoys meeting them..they were all hilarious..some kena minum teruk teruk..a lot beer finished by cold ppl's bf/gf..haha..ask where's mine,bila mau kahwin? i said "too many to count..u mau mana satu?"haha.."wan kahwin tunggu i choose ok dulu la..5-10 yrs summo la" haha..da bride very pretty..i took some pics with my sis n my 小姑..

Friday, September 18, 2009

That's What I'm Feeling Now

Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ooooh yeah!!!
I'm free from the damn kick ass paper..
Made me restless..
Damn it..
Now da feeling is like free from jail..
Like bird flying..
Sem break d..
She coming back oso..
Gonna hang out like nobody's business..
Break for 2weeks..

Crazy Song..Lol..


Pump it, rock it, groove it, move it.
Make it, shake it, never lose it.
Fix it, fake it, never break it.
Pump it, pipe it, never state it.
Drum it, snare it, blast it, kick it.
Want some pussy, never lick it.
Push it, screw it, suck it, squeeze it.
Do it there, I wanna lick it!


*Go listen..hahaha..

Monday, September 14, 2009


今天考account.知道它的format.但是没做过有两个column的题目。只怕不能过关。如果刚刚pass也好。But这课already考4次了。讲给人听也sia sui咯。还能考3次nia..真的 fcuk tis paper la..不能pass就是不能pass..怎么办好?压力死咯。让妈妈和婆婆担心吧了。算了吧。Haih..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Million Tears

I wanna know where you belong,
I wanna know why I sing this song.

I try to show how much I feel,
is that a dream or is it real?`

I never look where you belong,
until I'm gonna sing my song.

Is it a lie or is it true?
So many tears I've cried for you.

A Million tears that i have cried,
I wish you where right by my side.

I try to show how much I care,
believe in me I will be there.

I never knew where you belong,
whenever you just hear my song.

Is it a lie or is it true?
So many tears I've cried for you.


You Promise Me

You promised me the moon and the sun, the birds and the sky
You promised me a wonderful life they were under lights
You promised me all diamonds and pearls that I never kept
You promised me where the roses are gold but soon you forgot

You promised me I could be your queen and you be my king
You promised me a white wedding dress, where is your ring
You promised me your time of caress, your kisses of life
So try to show it wasn't in vain, cause i'm wasting my time


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Microeconomics paper..
Yty say wan study end up unconscious on bed..
Means SLEEPING la..
Wake up at 7am..

She comes at 8am..
Study together..
I very nervous..
Say here n there adi knows wats inside the book..
Lack of FAITH and HOPE..
But things changed when he called..
Wishing me GOOD LUCK..
1st time of all anyway..

Both us reach college early..
Met him and his frens at lobby..
He said he takes 1 month to memorize..
Sure 'A' liao la..
Time to go to class..
Immediately see paper 1st..
Very happy..
Wat i studied it reli come out..
Time's up..
Hand up paper..

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My Notty Dog Yet She's Cute

When she's 3 weeks old..

When she's 2 months old..

When she's 5 months old..

Team Amazon Not So Amazing But Yet Still..AMAZING!

Penang All Rising Star Competition was held at Balik Pulau indoor stadium..the usual stadium we had had used for years..there were 5 teams..all consists of gals..wanna join? unless u are a gal la..hehe..and 1 very good news..he follow me up too..1st time in the him for years d..sudd tel me wanna follow me up..terkejut saya..haha..was happy anyway..whole nite cant sleep..oni slept for 3 hrs plus i guess..

The 1st team was against Firebrands..the younger ones..i scored the 1st goal..Yeah! Then we oni get to rest for 5 mins b4 the next match begin..2nd team was against Firebrands as well but a bit more experienced compared to the previous one..pass pass shoot..pass pass pass shoot..Yeah! Another goal shot by me..3rd team was the G12..all from MGS..the players were very great to play with..too bad did not have warm-ups b4 match..if not will not lack of ok..they won..3-2 for Amazon..The last match was against Hybrid..consists of Contact players..get a draw..2-2..Some how or rather, we got 2nd runner up..not bad another word, if Firebrand are more tougher then us, no more 2nd runner up lo..hehe..Last but not least, Amazon is amazing coz there are several inexperienced players and they did WELL and did their BEST at SUPPORTING the teams..Thanks gurls..

I'm in No.9

Our bronze medal

Team Amazon

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lousy Merdeka Eve

Went to eat lobak with him at 5something at Lone Pine Apartment.
Then go his hse.
Wait him bathe.
I use his pc.
He bathe come out.
I sit beside him see him play like so hai.
Beat me so pain.
Beat him back ; He revenged.
I say no see a bf like him b4.

Went out at 8pm.
Want go Xiang place meet.
All dunno wan go where eat.
Reach a coffee shop.
Eat finish then go Times Square.
Thought it gonna be fun.
Walk walk inside the mall.
Bought a cute cup free 1 keychain.
Out of the mall we go.
Got concert sang by KDU students.
It SUCKS to the MAX.
All sing like KATAK.
Wait 12am.
End up just a lousy countdown.
Only keep shout MERDEKA!
Dunno how many times.
Released the balloons.
Thats called as countdown huh.
Back home.

Circle Of Life

Magazines firms always says:

No News = Bad News
Bad News = Good News
(coz they got things to write)

But, I Say:

No News = Good News..

Why? coz news isnt good nor bad..coz some ppl mite think that that news is a good news and certain ppl think it mite it wasnt..

Why? coz bad news keep coming to me one by one..

1. Sat morning training canceled..Why? - raining.
2. My neighbor suicide..jumped frm 9th floor..Why? - not sure.
3. My aunt past away on Sunday evening..Why? - cancer.

And that arent a good news to me..

All in 1 weekend..2 days..48 hours..2880 minutes..172800 seconds..

Anything can happen in 1 second..
Appreciate ur own life..
And appreciate what you have in life now..
Dont be narrow minded..
Dont keep everything to urself..
Coz sharing is caring..

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lonely Little Me

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days

Lonely am I, in so many ways

Lonely are the seasons
Lonely are the years
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Me + You = Love

Love = Happy

Ur Parent = Nagging

Ur Parent + Me = Anger

Anger = No Love

Nagging + You = Frustration

Anger + Me + You + Frustration = Arguement

Arguement = Disaster

Siapa Aku?

who's me? who am i? do i have da rite? do i have da status? plsss answer me these questions..sigh..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Monday, August 24, 2009

Lessons To Be Learnt

I watched the 'Burning Flame' movie..a lot of lesson learnt..but too bad cant apply on da real world.. i mean the good 'setia kawan'..but where got such 伟大 eh fren? all also selfish..not even 1 human is unselfish in tis world..everyone is materialistic..tat cant be denied..

And i feel that all guys are the same..not gentle wan..anything wrong sure blame gf wan..they wont stand on ur side and is not in ur shoe and will not 体谅 ppl's feeling..tat is call guy..da word 'gentleman', does not applicable in this materialistic world..ya its rite..when they are courting or wooing u that time no matter how hard or how 无聊(nonsense) they oso will try to do for u..but after u get marry, hng..they sure say u very 烦 give them freedom la..etc old ppl said.." when pat toh(dating) u wan moon and star i will go up and pluck it for u..but after married u wan the star and moon, he will say u ban ban(slowly) go take urself la"..tat time u will oni get to c their true color..-DISAPPOINTED-

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shop Shop Shop no class..promised chen go shopping at prangin mall..mana tau dad sick..wakaka..not i wanna be happy at i satisfied with it..kekeke..have to take him to c dr..celaka..nag on and on and on..whole journey oso bla bla bla..chen sit at da back with wee wee..den take him back..bla bla bla on da whole way..aikx..have to bear it..cant tahan..

After tat go prangin..go there quite alot of things..mostly all beauty stuff..hehe..dunno time pass so fast..walk a while oso 6 something d..reli time flies when shooooopinggg...den go back my hse..chit-chat-chut a talk talk..den her bf arrive my hse..she goes down..bye..

So i waited 4 him to come..receive call..say 7.45 oni come out frm office..he chun chun 8pm reach my place...i go down..ask him sit aeroplane ar? "NO LAH" thats wat he said.."NO CAR MA"..hmm..oklo..den go his hse wait him tv with his parent..his kakak came back d..waiting 4 him to come out..den his mom ask me whether i eat d anot.."NOT YET..LATER GO OUT EAT WITH HIM" (terkejut saya..hmm).."GO OUT EAT AGAIN AR"..(i just smile back)..dun wan talk too much..he bathe done d..immediately go find him..den fly out to car..go pasar malam..very 1st..'char pui'..den find shoe..cant find any..sobs..walk walk walk..still no shoe..haih..nvm le ba..den go back..-HOME-


Has my dooms day arrives? Y tis few days so bad luck? yty argue with dad now i wan use car oso cannot? he sick..padan his muka..maybe tis shows yty he is wrong not wonder no tears run down my cheek..he keep say i wasting car petrol..wat does he mean by the word 'waste'? i got no motor license..sure la i use car..other den go to college cannot use car d isit? ask me to stay at home? go out oso cannot meh? he need relax i nonit meh? den wat do he need to say when he yty go buy supper 4 himself? use car oso la..1 person cannot sit motor meh?i wan take motor license dun wan car oso dun let...if i got money i adi buy a car 4 myself d..dunit use urs wan la..i just need tahan 4 few yrs..den move out and have a car of my own..wat other ppl say was true..use own things is beta den use ppl's wan..need c ppl's face..arrggghhh..reli hate it..i wan to have all things of my own..but the prob is..not enuf money..need a JOB!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today went redbox..suppose to meet at 11.30 wan..mana tau i reach early at 11.10..nvm lo..sit in car listen radio 1st..hehe..around 11.20 i slowly walk down to basement..use escalator 1 floor by 1 floor go down..reach there..ask receptionist to book me no student package during call p. chen..she got shock..she call da redbox den book room tru phone..she book 12pm choice need to wait there like sohai..felt angry at times..y so long..ish..when they reach they apologize..anger immediately flew fine now..den go in to da 19..phew..da awful smell..smell of the smoke..previous ppl use time they smoke tink of other ppl's health..sing sang sung there..make fun and fooled ourselves..den end at damn chun chun 3pm..kanasai..we late come in but they damn chun end at 3..nvm..we go walk walk 1st..den all say wan go back choice so i ma back oso lo..