Friday, December 4, 2009

My Floorball Journey in FFC



I guess this phrase I should think again and again whether should I continue to be a Frontliners. Or not..?

I started to play Floorball when i was 13. It was demonstrated at my formal secondary school. That time Peter and Steven was in charge. At first I wasn't taking Floorball seriously till I was 14 when I was recommended to join FFC. In that particular year my team was named Chili Padi at the first tournament I had joined, Youthwave. But, my school club couldn't maintain long as there were no teacher advisor to supervised the club. Hence, the CGL club's player was getting fewer and fewer and now it is extinct.

In year 2005, I joined in every tournament that was organised by the club. Until there was PMR round the corner, I stopped training. Then on the January of year 2006, I joined back the training session. The whole journey was up and down in FFC. Throughout the years there was fun, frustration and enjoyment.

In year 2008. The FFC almost closed down due to insufficient members. I was terribly sad. I told myself that that moment onwards Floorball will be part of my life. I called up the man-in-charge and told him that if he needs my help to manage the club I'm willing to help with all my might. And ya. On the month of June I was assigned to be part of the committee to manage the club finance till today.

Finally in the year 2009. This was the 6th year I'm in FFC. As you would think, that my skills are good enough. But ITS NOT! I had drag and disappointed my team members during the game in Sukpen. They were expecting the team would go for the semis. But with my stupidity and carelessness, I turned them down. This was the worst feeling when you made mistakes in Floorball. Especially in COMPETITIONS. One silly mistakes the whole team needs to bear the consequences. But me? I had repeated the same stupid mistakes in one match. I'm so so sorry guys but I know that my apology will not help to change anything now. Therefore I'm considering whether should I pull out myself and not to touch Floorball again which is NOT my profession at all.


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