Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Restless But Happy Day

Part 1
Woke up at 8.45am..Went for training..Oni 8 ppl turn up..She in charge..Feel hungry throughout the time..was oni so-called 'game'..coz keep 'paused' by her..haha..sound like video clip huh..tats da way we trained that day..

Part 2

Went to watch this siao movie with him..He lauf till tears oso come out..1st time c him like tis..haha..sometimes very scary..i oso kena scared..This movie reli funny but too bad it divided into section wan..not whole story..Recommended to watch if u are sad..hehe..

Part 3
方姑姑today marry..went to her hse for dinner..every relative was there..enjoys meeting them..they were all hilarious..some kena minum teruk teruk..a lot beer finished by cold ppl's bf/gf..haha..ask where's mine,bila mau kahwin? i said "too many to count..u mau mana satu?"haha.."wan kahwin tunggu i choose ok dulu la..5-10 yrs summo la" haha..da bride very pretty..i took some pics with my sis n my 小姑..

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