Sunday, September 6, 2009

Team Amazon Not So Amazing But Yet Still..AMAZING!

Penang All Rising Star Competition was held at Balik Pulau indoor stadium..the usual stadium we had had used for years..there were 5 teams..all consists of gals..wanna join? unless u are a gal la..hehe..and 1 very good news..he follow me up too..1st time in the him for years d..sudd tel me wanna follow me up..terkejut saya..haha..was happy anyway..whole nite cant sleep..oni slept for 3 hrs plus i guess..

The 1st team was against Firebrands..the younger ones..i scored the 1st goal..Yeah! Then we oni get to rest for 5 mins b4 the next match begin..2nd team was against Firebrands as well but a bit more experienced compared to the previous one..pass pass shoot..pass pass pass shoot..Yeah! Another goal shot by me..3rd team was the G12..all from MGS..the players were very great to play with..too bad did not have warm-ups b4 match..if not will not lack of ok..they won..3-2 for Amazon..The last match was against Hybrid..consists of Contact players..get a draw..2-2..Some how or rather, we got 2nd runner up..not bad another word, if Firebrand are more tougher then us, no more 2nd runner up lo..hehe..Last but not least, Amazon is amazing coz there are several inexperienced players and they did WELL and did their BEST at SUPPORTING the teams..Thanks gurls..

I'm in No.9

Our bronze medal

Team Amazon

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