Monday, August 24, 2009

Lessons To Be Learnt

I watched the 'Burning Flame' movie..a lot of lesson learnt..but too bad cant apply on da real world.. i mean the good 'setia kawan'..but where got such 伟大 eh fren? all also selfish..not even 1 human is unselfish in tis world..everyone is materialistic..tat cant be denied..

And i feel that all guys are the same..not gentle wan..anything wrong sure blame gf wan..they wont stand on ur side and is not in ur shoe and will not 体谅 ppl's feeling..tat is call guy..da word 'gentleman', does not applicable in this materialistic world..ya its rite..when they are courting or wooing u that time no matter how hard or how 无聊(nonsense) they oso will try to do for u..but after u get marry, hng..they sure say u very 烦 give them freedom la..etc old ppl said.." when pat toh(dating) u wan moon and star i will go up and pluck it for u..but after married u wan the star and moon, he will say u ban ban(slowly) go take urself la"..tat time u will oni get to c their true color..-DISAPPOINTED-

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