Saturday, August 8, 2009

Part A

wake up at 8.15am by alarm..wash my face and change my clothes..den phone nic to wake him up..noe sure he havent wake up yet wan..den go out frm hse about 8.40am..den reach his place at 8.50am..walks and looks like zombie..half awake half dead..den reach pbsm at 9.05am i guess..coz see different clock start with warm ups den followed by drills..mike coach the training today..drills went on till 11am..during drills everyone was sloppy and lazy and fooling included..haha..keep tease nic till sendiri kena back..oso kena blue-black on inner ankle left leg..kena su rong's ball..dun tink senget da floorball ball..not the 'balls' tat u tink.. =.="' nvm..hehe..normal for a human being..haha..keep teasing nic...

rose : guys shud take action 1st la..dun belif ask the ppl here la..c wat they say..

nic : cannot la..u buli me all ppl same type like u wan sure support u la..
: dun care la..(ask lawren) hey..u wanna pikat gal u will take action anot? or u wait till gal come to u?
lawren : comment..
rose : c..where got ppl like u wan wait gal take action..beh ki la u..haha..
nic : not counted not counted..he 'nui' wan..not counted..
rose : ok lo..since u still no belif i ask julian..julian..if u like a gal u go to her 1st or u wait til da gal come to u?
julian : sure go to her 1st la..abo wait till she come ar?y?
rose : c..c..c..hng..apala..tis wan la is real guy..not like u..apa oso wan wait gal..celaka..
nic : eh..where can eh?u ask him younger den u he sure say like tat la..he dunno how to tink yet ma..
julian : nic ar..if u dunno can find me eh..or find her oso can ma..ahyo..
rose : alah..u reason banyak la..
nic : u dun luan la..gina diam diam..den u go ask kenny, soon khai and calvin c..
rose : kenny same type as u eh sure stand on ur side la..celaka..summo calvin not same leh..ppl 'entau' u talak leh..haha..(walk to toilet)
nic : (follow out too)

met kuan yang outside..

rose : nah..u dun belif..u ask him..kyky..u like a gal u..
nic : stop..stop..stop..u ask him he oso 'nui' wan..ahyo..
rose : ky, me mean u beh iong wan lo..
ky : (smile unknowing wats happening)
rose : ky, u like a gal will u go to her? or till she comes to u?
ky : no comment la..
nic : c..ppl no comment la..
rose : (walk to toilet)

alrite..match time..

mike : captains..choose who u wan to be in ur group..

lawren chose me to be in his team..nic in there start la again our arguements abt which gender need take action 1st..during game..reli get frustrated..they talk to their own oni abt strategies without telling me and expecting me to co-operate with wat was happening they just care abt da scoreboard (especially calvin) (tot he very good ar?although beta den me) without reli knowing wat is da purpose of the game time..and that mike oso tot he very good d..when i ask him did he wrote da report for the past few he ans me?i no write report d..i be coach d..den calvin said..he be coach d where will write report summo?den mike ans..ya la..maleh..den who gonna write for the past report?machibai..make me hot nia..nvm..terus open..oponent free..celaka kyle dun wan pass to me means dun wan pass to me..wanna one man show..reli very angry d..ok..wanna show off? go ahead..i wont tackle and wont run anymore..thats when nic and lawren knows im angry..den lawren say..she 'pang chiu' oni la..but in me my fire is reli burning me..i dint talk and din smile as i always did..oni keep scolding 'fuck' in low over..ok..wait nic den wan go home car talk with nic bout relation thing..explaining wat gals wants and needs..tinking will be diff den guys..reach home at 1.25pm..

*soli to use vulgar apology if offended anyone.

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