Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jeffery the Model

Last monday went to micro lecture as usual on monday schedule..saw some poster of a guy name Jeffery..did not noe he is a model..so went to class..talk in class..boring..class end..mr. lim ends it early..happy..went to canteen..den eat lunch with p. chen and wei choon they all..ah bong keep say my hand small..hui ting oso..tat oh kui w. choon keep say my hand like doraemon..grrr..summo say me fat..dunno say me for how many hrs d..haih..make me sad nia..go foyer..c tat Jeffery..they tel me he is model..now oni i noe..but i no c him b4 so cant blame me..hehe..let u c da pic den u noe la..
He post just for us..lol..
During the autograph session
He got tumbled down when da student rush to take pic with him
When he 1st came in

Den we cant stand da heaty weather anymore so we went to study room to chit chat...

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