Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Frustration

i feel so frustrated..y?coz of assignments..reli headache..have to deal with tough questions and summo fren..ppl that no do homework/work at all wan..oni noe how to wait to get marks and sit and goyang kaki..argh..damn it..i tot tat tis(micro) assignment need to hand up by tis mon..i reli geram at 1st..all dun wan do n summo not yet discuss..all oso not yet..wanna wait me do all?tat time da marks will oni goes to me..i wont say a word sorry to u all..reli make me flare..if noe earlier i join another group..wat a lousy ppl..haih..

called shi ans my call..luckily she call back..if not can c my temper up reli burning in my brain..heart..whole body!!! grrr!!! she said hand up on fri..phew..luckily..if not reli i wanna throw my temper d..oso realize that he diam diam when im in trouble/sad though sometimes he cheer me up..but not always..y good guys r so hard to find? or im too picky? or choosy? i just wanna ensure my future life will be good and happy..i reli wanna assure everything is good to me in da future..i dun wanna end up with sorrow and unhappy life..haih..reli very frustrated very headache and dizzy...haih..

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