Monday, August 31, 2009

Lousy Merdeka Eve

Went to eat lobak with him at 5something at Lone Pine Apartment.
Then go his hse.
Wait him bathe.
I use his pc.
He bathe come out.
I sit beside him see him play like so hai.
Beat me so pain.
Beat him back ; He revenged.
I say no see a bf like him b4.

Went out at 8pm.
Want go Xiang place meet.
All dunno wan go where eat.
Reach a coffee shop.
Eat finish then go Times Square.
Thought it gonna be fun.
Walk walk inside the mall.
Bought a cute cup free 1 keychain.
Out of the mall we go.
Got concert sang by KDU students.
It SUCKS to the MAX.
All sing like KATAK.
Wait 12am.
End up just a lousy countdown.
Only keep shout MERDEKA!
Dunno how many times.
Released the balloons.
Thats called as countdown huh.
Back home.

Circle Of Life

Magazines firms always says:

No News = Bad News
Bad News = Good News
(coz they got things to write)

But, I Say:

No News = Good News..

Why? coz news isnt good nor bad..coz some ppl mite think that that news is a good news and certain ppl think it mite it wasnt..

Why? coz bad news keep coming to me one by one..

1. Sat morning training canceled..Why? - raining.
2. My neighbor suicide..jumped frm 9th floor..Why? - not sure.
3. My aunt past away on Sunday evening..Why? - cancer.

And that arent a good news to me..

All in 1 weekend..2 days..48 hours..2880 minutes..172800 seconds..

Anything can happen in 1 second..
Appreciate ur own life..
And appreciate what you have in life now..
Dont be narrow minded..
Dont keep everything to urself..
Coz sharing is caring..

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lonely Little Me

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days

Lonely am I, in so many ways

Lonely are the seasons
Lonely are the years
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Me + You = Love

Love = Happy

Ur Parent = Nagging

Ur Parent + Me = Anger

Anger = No Love

Nagging + You = Frustration

Anger + Me + You + Frustration = Arguement

Arguement = Disaster

Siapa Aku?

who's me? who am i? do i have da rite? do i have da status? plsss answer me these questions..sigh..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Monday, August 24, 2009

Lessons To Be Learnt

I watched the 'Burning Flame' movie..a lot of lesson learnt..but too bad cant apply on da real world.. i mean the good 'setia kawan'..but where got such 伟大 eh fren? all also selfish..not even 1 human is unselfish in tis world..everyone is materialistic..tat cant be denied..

And i feel that all guys are the same..not gentle wan..anything wrong sure blame gf wan..they wont stand on ur side and is not in ur shoe and will not 体谅 ppl's feeling..tat is call guy..da word 'gentleman', does not applicable in this materialistic world..ya its rite..when they are courting or wooing u that time no matter how hard or how 无聊(nonsense) they oso will try to do for u..but after u get marry, hng..they sure say u very 烦 give them freedom la..etc old ppl said.." when pat toh(dating) u wan moon and star i will go up and pluck it for u..but after married u wan the star and moon, he will say u ban ban(slowly) go take urself la"..tat time u will oni get to c their true color..-DISAPPOINTED-

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shop Shop Shop no class..promised chen go shopping at prangin mall..mana tau dad sick..wakaka..not i wanna be happy at i satisfied with it..kekeke..have to take him to c dr..celaka..nag on and on and on..whole journey oso bla bla bla..chen sit at da back with wee wee..den take him back..bla bla bla on da whole way..aikx..have to bear it..cant tahan..

After tat go prangin..go there quite alot of things..mostly all beauty stuff..hehe..dunno time pass so fast..walk a while oso 6 something d..reli time flies when shooooopinggg...den go back my hse..chit-chat-chut a talk talk..den her bf arrive my hse..she goes down..bye..

So i waited 4 him to come..receive call..say 7.45 oni come out frm office..he chun chun 8pm reach my place...i go down..ask him sit aeroplane ar? "NO LAH" thats wat he said.."NO CAR MA"..hmm..oklo..den go his hse wait him tv with his parent..his kakak came back d..waiting 4 him to come out..den his mom ask me whether i eat d anot.."NOT YET..LATER GO OUT EAT WITH HIM" (terkejut saya..hmm).."GO OUT EAT AGAIN AR"..(i just smile back)..dun wan talk too much..he bathe done d..immediately go find him..den fly out to car..go pasar malam..very 1st..'char pui'..den find shoe..cant find any..sobs..walk walk walk..still no shoe..haih..nvm le ba..den go back..-HOME-


Has my dooms day arrives? Y tis few days so bad luck? yty argue with dad now i wan use car oso cannot? he sick..padan his muka..maybe tis shows yty he is wrong not wonder no tears run down my cheek..he keep say i wasting car petrol..wat does he mean by the word 'waste'? i got no motor license..sure la i use car..other den go to college cannot use car d isit? ask me to stay at home? go out oso cannot meh? he need relax i nonit meh? den wat do he need to say when he yty go buy supper 4 himself? use car oso la..1 person cannot sit motor meh?i wan take motor license dun wan car oso dun let...if i got money i adi buy a car 4 myself d..dunit use urs wan la..i just need tahan 4 few yrs..den move out and have a car of my own..wat other ppl say was true..use own things is beta den use ppl's wan..need c ppl's face..arrggghhh..reli hate it..i wan to have all things of my own..but the prob is..not enuf money..need a JOB!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today went redbox..suppose to meet at 11.30 wan..mana tau i reach early at 11.10..nvm lo..sit in car listen radio 1st..hehe..around 11.20 i slowly walk down to basement..use escalator 1 floor by 1 floor go down..reach there..ask receptionist to book me no student package during call p. chen..she got shock..she call da redbox den book room tru phone..she book 12pm choice need to wait there like sohai..felt angry at times..y so long..ish..when they reach they apologize..anger immediately flew fine now..den go in to da 19..phew..da awful smell..smell of the smoke..previous ppl use time they smoke tink of other ppl's health..sing sang sung there..make fun and fooled ourselves..den end at damn chun chun 3pm..kanasai..we late come in but they damn chun end at 3..nvm..we go walk walk 1st..den all say wan go back choice so i ma back oso lo..

Jeffery the Model

Last monday went to micro lecture as usual on monday schedule..saw some poster of a guy name Jeffery..did not noe he is a went to in class..boring..class lim ends it early..happy..went to canteen..den eat lunch with p. chen and wei choon they all..ah bong keep say my hand small..hui ting oso..tat oh kui w. choon keep say my hand like doraemon..grrr..summo say me fat..dunno say me for how many hrs d..haih..make me sad nia..go foyer..c tat Jeffery..they tel me he is oni i noe..but i no c him b4 so cant blame me..hehe..let u c da pic den u noe la..
He post just for
During the autograph session
He got tumbled down when da student rush to take pic with him
When he 1st came in

Den we cant stand da heaty weather anymore so we went to study room to chit chat...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Celaka Her

Today very kek ki..just shoot her nia..damn it..ask her do assignment end up i do myself beta...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


how to noe bf outside got gal ano? how i wan check him? feel bad checking him secretly..wat if im mistaken? den ma create arguement lo? haih..reli li-li-lo-lo with tis matter la..

good bf = no gaming + caring + gentle + understanding - smoking - curang
+ honesty + sincerity + loyal + respect

if every guys noe how to apply tis equation to their head isnt good? sigh..

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Part B

reach home den terus on msn..ask him to come earlier help me burn cd 4 my ah mm..mana tau some cd cant read..reli frustrated..he summo tease 'fire' havent been poured by 'water' yet..summo come tease me..grr..den my mom came in..ask me burn 4 her oso and transfer to her pendrive..i say her good wan no recommend..recommend the celaka work 4 me do..den cant tahan d go bathe and everything..oni i feel cooler and calmer..reli burning to da max d..i 1st time feel so angry in training..or else every1 could see me smile and 'cho siao' which means fooling around with nic..den watch movie awhile den go eat tea-time with him..hmm..raining.. =off=

Part A

wake up at 8.15am by alarm..wash my face and change my clothes..den phone nic to wake him up..noe sure he havent wake up yet wan..den go out frm hse about 8.40am..den reach his place at 8.50am..walks and looks like zombie..half awake half dead..den reach pbsm at 9.05am i guess..coz see different clock start with warm ups den followed by drills..mike coach the training today..drills went on till 11am..during drills everyone was sloppy and lazy and fooling included..haha..keep tease nic till sendiri kena back..oso kena blue-black on inner ankle left leg..kena su rong's ball..dun tink senget da floorball ball..not the 'balls' tat u tink.. =.="' nvm..hehe..normal for a human being..haha..keep teasing nic...

rose : guys shud take action 1st la..dun belif ask the ppl here la..c wat they say..

nic : cannot la..u buli me all ppl same type like u wan sure support u la..
: dun care la..(ask lawren) hey..u wanna pikat gal u will take action anot? or u wait till gal come to u?
lawren : comment..
rose : c..where got ppl like u wan wait gal take action..beh ki la u..haha..
nic : not counted not counted..he 'nui' wan..not counted..
rose : ok lo..since u still no belif i ask julian..julian..if u like a gal u go to her 1st or u wait til da gal come to u?
julian : sure go to her 1st la..abo wait till she come ar?y?
rose : c..c..c..hng..apala..tis wan la is real guy..not like u..apa oso wan wait gal..celaka..
nic : eh..where can eh?u ask him younger den u he sure say like tat la..he dunno how to tink yet ma..
julian : nic ar..if u dunno can find me eh..or find her oso can ma..ahyo..
rose : alah..u reason banyak la..
nic : u dun luan la..gina diam diam..den u go ask kenny, soon khai and calvin c..
rose : kenny same type as u eh sure stand on ur side la..celaka..summo calvin not same leh..ppl 'entau' u talak leh..haha..(walk to toilet)
nic : (follow out too)

met kuan yang outside..

rose : nah..u dun belif..u ask him..kyky..u like a gal u..
nic : stop..stop..stop..u ask him he oso 'nui' wan..ahyo..
rose : ky, me mean u beh iong wan lo..
ky : (smile unknowing wats happening)
rose : ky, u like a gal will u go to her? or till she comes to u?
ky : no comment la..
nic : c..ppl no comment la..
rose : (walk to toilet)

alrite..match time..

mike : captains..choose who u wan to be in ur group..

lawren chose me to be in his team..nic in there start la again our arguements abt which gender need take action 1st..during game..reli get frustrated..they talk to their own oni abt strategies without telling me and expecting me to co-operate with wat was happening they just care abt da scoreboard (especially calvin) (tot he very good ar?although beta den me) without reli knowing wat is da purpose of the game time..and that mike oso tot he very good d..when i ask him did he wrote da report for the past few he ans me?i no write report d..i be coach d..den calvin said..he be coach d where will write report summo?den mike ans..ya la..maleh..den who gonna write for the past report?machibai..make me hot nia..nvm..terus open..oponent free..celaka kyle dun wan pass to me means dun wan pass to me..wanna one man show..reli very angry d..ok..wanna show off? go ahead..i wont tackle and wont run anymore..thats when nic and lawren knows im angry..den lawren say..she 'pang chiu' oni la..but in me my fire is reli burning me..i dint talk and din smile as i always did..oni keep scolding 'fuck' in low over..ok..wait nic den wan go home car talk with nic bout relation thing..explaining wat gals wants and needs..tinking will be diff den guys..reach home at 1.25pm..

*soli to use vulgar apology if offended anyone.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Went to watch G.I.Joe with him..quite a nice movie..but too bad da graphic is soo soo soo fake..once see oso noe is fake d..and da ending not reli good..coz the bad guy not all got die..da president is fake wan..transformed by bad ppl..hmm..

After that go eat dinner at CF..near jetty there..2 ppl ate 5 plates of food..not bad hokkien mee (big), tik pan mee (big), fried sotong, honey chicken, and tai lok hungry ghost lo..ate so much..feel so full..blek.. :P

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Frustration

i feel so frustrated..y?coz of assignments..reli headache..have to deal with tough questions and summo fren..ppl that no do homework/work at all wan..oni noe how to wait to get marks and sit and goyang kaki..argh..damn it..i tot tat tis(micro) assignment need to hand up by tis mon..i reli geram at 1st..all dun wan do n summo not yet discuss..all oso not yet..wanna wait me do all?tat time da marks will oni goes to me..i wont say a word sorry to u all..reli make me flare..if noe earlier i join another group..wat a lousy ppl..haih..

called shi ans my call..luckily she call back..if not can c my temper up reli burning in my brain..heart..whole body!!! grrr!!! she said hand up on fri..phew..luckily..if not reli i wanna throw my temper d..oso realize that he diam diam when im in trouble/sad though sometimes he cheer me up..but not always..y good guys r so hard to find? or im too picky? or choosy? i just wanna ensure my future life will be good and happy..i reli wanna assure everything is good to me in da future..i dun wanna end up with sorrow and unhappy life..haih..reli very frustrated very headache and dizzy...haih..

Saturday, August 1, 2009

With my Grandparents

She is cute isn't she..she is jolyn(dunno spelling correct anot) quite fond of her..coz of her cuteness..hehe..okok..actually tat day i was quite grandpa called..asked me to fetch him to go 4 lunch..his car got bang by ppl..when i reach my grandma place, jolyn saw me n she was so cute she is when she smile..den my grandma said wan go to New World Park there eat..den i say ok lo..den i drive them there..i ordered fried rice..i give jolyn eat some..

After meal, she saw the kids play da 'music chair'..she wanna my grandma go n exchange coins to let her sit..after eat we go back to grandma hse..den play play with jolyn awhile..while hear abt my stories when i was small..real back oso feel funny..haha..after tat went back around 5pm..