Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shop Shop Shop no class..promised chen go shopping at prangin mall..mana tau dad sick..wakaka..not i wanna be happy at i satisfied with it..kekeke..have to take him to c dr..celaka..nag on and on and on..whole journey oso bla bla bla..chen sit at da back with wee wee..den take him back..bla bla bla on da whole way..aikx..have to bear it..cant tahan..

After tat go prangin..go there quite alot of things..mostly all beauty stuff..hehe..dunno time pass so fast..walk a while oso 6 something d..reli time flies when shooooopinggg...den go back my hse..chit-chat-chut a talk talk..den her bf arrive my hse..she goes down..bye..

So i waited 4 him to come..receive call..say 7.45 oni come out frm office..he chun chun 8pm reach my place...i go down..ask him sit aeroplane ar? "NO LAH" thats wat he said.."NO CAR MA"..hmm..oklo..den go his hse wait him tv with his parent..his kakak came back d..waiting 4 him to come out..den his mom ask me whether i eat d anot.."NOT YET..LATER GO OUT EAT WITH HIM" (terkejut saya..hmm).."GO OUT EAT AGAIN AR"..(i just smile back)..dun wan talk too much..he bathe done d..immediately go find him..den fly out to car..go pasar malam..very 1st..'char pui'..den find shoe..cant find any..sobs..walk walk walk..still no shoe..haih..nvm le ba..den go back..-HOME-

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