Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Has my dooms day arrives? Y tis few days so bad luck? yty argue with dad now i wan use car oso cannot? he sick..padan his muka..maybe tis shows yty he is wrong not wonder no tears run down my cheek..he keep say i wasting car petrol..wat does he mean by the word 'waste'? i got no motor license..sure la i use car..other den go to college cannot use car d isit? ask me to stay at home? go out oso cannot meh? he need relax i nonit meh? den wat do he need to say when he yty go buy supper 4 himself? use car oso la..1 person cannot sit motor meh?i wan take motor license dun wan car oso dun let...if i got money i adi buy a car 4 myself d..dunit use urs wan la..i just need tahan 4 few yrs..den move out and have a car of my own..wat other ppl say was true..use own things is beta den use ppl's wan..need c ppl's face..arrggghhh..reli hate it..i wan to have all things of my own..but the prob is..not enuf money..need a JOB!!!

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