Monday, August 31, 2009

Circle Of Life

Magazines firms always says:

No News = Bad News
Bad News = Good News
(coz they got things to write)

But, I Say:

No News = Good News..

Why? coz news isnt good nor bad..coz some ppl mite think that that news is a good news and certain ppl think it mite it wasnt..

Why? coz bad news keep coming to me one by one..

1. Sat morning training canceled..Why? - raining.
2. My neighbor suicide..jumped frm 9th floor..Why? - not sure.
3. My aunt past away on Sunday evening..Why? - cancer.

And that arent a good news to me..

All in 1 weekend..2 days..48 hours..2880 minutes..172800 seconds..

Anything can happen in 1 second..
Appreciate ur own life..
And appreciate what you have in life now..
Dont be narrow minded..
Dont keep everything to urself..
Coz sharing is caring..

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