Friday, October 23, 2009


在我最後一次 閉上眼睛之前
我想對你說 我愛你
在你懷裡 捨不得放棄
心理有千萬語 還沒有說給你聽
我使勁全力 不想閉上眼睛
這次告別就不能 再相遇
不能再陪你 但不要忘記
你曾經答應我 你會好好活下去

先走了 去了好遠的地方
不能再陪你看日出 等不到天亮
所有回憶 抹去卻並不容易
生死由天決定 不要太傷心


English Version

Before I close my eyes for the last time
I wish to tell you I love you
In your embrace, don't wish to let go
In my heart, thousands of words I have yet to tell you
I used all my strength to keep my eyes from closing
After this farewell, there will be no more meetings, no more can I be by your side
But please don't forget
You promised me you will live on as well as you can

I'm leaving first, leaving for a faraway place
I won't be able to watch the sunrise with you anymore
I won't be able to wait for dawn
Erasing all the memories, is not an easy thing
But life & death are predestined, don't be too sad

The story behind this song is..

A 17-YEAR-OLD skin cancer patient composed a song for her boyfriend during her final days. According to the description in the video, the teenager was very close to her boyfriend and the couple had decided to get married upon graduating.

One day, she underwent a check-up in school and doctors found abnormality in her blood protein.

Further examinations confirmed that the girl had an uncommon skin cancer. She had only one year to live.

The teenager started writing a dairy. From here, she realised that her boyfriend was so important and had become part of her life.

She wanted to give him a present.

During her final days, she wrote him a song and sang for him for the last time.

“I can no longer see the sun rises but I am not afraid because I have you by my side. I love you.” This is the last thing she said to him.

After the teenager died, the boyfriend had been travelling around the world to take photos of the sunrise in memory of his loved one.

The video description also mentioned the boyfriend also died a year later.

He had slipped and fell while hiking a hill to snap the sunrise photos.

It is so touching..

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