Saturday, April 23, 2011

Update! Update!

16 April 2011

The last paper of the semester, HSS (Health, Safety and Security)
It was not very hard after all..
'Cause tips were given.. 
All the credits goes to Mr. P~

After the paper, went for shopping with darling Wan..
Went to 1st Avenue for Kim Gary..
And bought a watch..
Same colour with darling, which is white..

Then walk to Prangin Mall to search for heels..
Darling bought the same pair with me..

Bought from VKI

After that went to Times Square..
Darling Wan say wanna go there walk for awhile 'cause its still early =D
But too bad there is nothing to see..
Not even half an hour walk..

Then at night go to Straits Quay with Ah Ma, Pek Pek and Siao Ku they all..
At first they go for donation at SGM..
Ah Mm, cousins and me sit there doing nothing while waiting them.. =S
Then went to Straits Quay..
Took some pictures over there..

Siao Ku and Syuen

The Notorious Father and Son

Besides, there also got a live band hired by the management
Most of the instruments need to blow..
I feel tired for them..
Ah Ma and Pek Pek they all sit at Dome for some drinks..

After that....


19 April 2011

Peng back from Kampar..
Meet him and the others at 1st Avenue at 12.30pm..
Went to RedBox for sing K..
Then back to Chen's hostel for a break and to wait Ah Ca and Ah Na..

Suppose to meet both of them at 6.30..
But because of Taukeh Peng is a vegetarian, 
So need to fetch him to ta pao his food at P. Tikus..
Is a HELL jam there..
End up meet them at 7pm..

Plan to dine in at Charlie Browns..
But the cuisines are not suitable..
Most of it is for teatime..
End up in PappaRich..
The foods are not bad and the price are also reasonable..
After that Taukeh Peng wanna take some pictures..
Balik Kampung at 9.45pm..

Here are some pictures taken~

From left to right : Sorn, Me, Choon, Bong, Chen
Bottom : Taukeh Peng

Bong, The Dancing Queen

Straits Quay

Outside Charlie Brown Cafe

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