Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Every Seconds of Breath in This Few Weeks

There are ups and downs in this several weeks. Arguing with classmate about her attitude while with my boyf regarding his job. I knew that my temper these days isn't very good. Keep scolding vulgar words. Actually I don't know what is wrong with me. Now, let me summarize what I did for the past few weeks.

Week 5 of Year 3
On the 5th of June, me and my family went for hiking at Muka Head. It was a good outing indeed although it was a rainy day. Everyone enjoyed the journey with a wet body =D. After that rent a boat to Monkey beach. With all the monkeys around, my dad brought the tent that was bought 2 3 years ago. The tent was use to keep our belongings. They swam at the beach and collect a lot of 'siput' and ended up getting sunburn and muscle pull on the next day..

Week 6 of Year 3
Not much things happened during this week. As there are so many tasks need to be done. Most of the students in TARC starts to hand up their assignments and some of them already presenting for their coursework. But for my course, we just started in this week. All of the assignments and tests were announced by the lecturers during this week. And my stress gradually increase...

Week 8 of Year 3
Today is the 3rd day of week 8. Tomorrow will be passing up the 1st group assignment of the semester. But till now, nothing is being yet to confirm..Lets hope it will be done tonight...

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