Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lousy Staff

I just got my new timetable. And guess what? Its freaking PACK! If it is not pack then it is too long of break. The long break as in SIX AND A HALF HOURS OF BREAK. What kind of adjustment is this you admin people make? All your job was sitting there and shaking your f*cking leg. TarC din't employ you to sit there and do nothing. Plus your service is SUPER DUPER sucks. We students pay u to serve and guide us.Though its not a big sum of money but hey I'm not the only student here, so the sum is stil LARGE. We don't expect you to reply in this kind of manner. And by the way, its not us (students) who wants this changes ok? Its you people who changed this darn system and affected us. And how dare you guys say youngsters nowadays are rude? Then where it all came from? Aren't you people suppose to make a good example? Seriously f*cking pissed with you people. Think before you dare to say!

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