Monday, July 27, 2009

stupidity and carelessness

just now go college on time d..park car nice nice oso d..wan take book go class oso d..mana tahu pulak realise no take pencil box go college..tot of going back home take but feel lazy find pen in car but dun have..n tink tiok tat later need calculator for micro test..reli choice d lo..need go all da way back take lo..reach home let mom terkejut..say i walk no sound but sudd call bailey..haha..she scare of ghost la anyway..den let her say me waste petrol go to and fro college..haih..not i wan oso eh choice ma..later need go back college go lunch with chen they all..den take test lo..need revise again lo..

Saturday, July 25, 2009


today argue with him again..coz got gal cal mel gal sms him cal him piggy very sad and angry..somehow, i feel he's cheating me..he keep explaining but i scold him back saying if he no do wrong dunit keep explain wan..i oso duno wat i wan from him..i feel very sad..we keep quarrel..tat time he was holding my half bottom body is on him..he threw me on the floor..i cry so pain and hurtful..never have a bf tat play game..relli..its not oni addictive but will oso ruin relationships..after that he pujuk me back..i stil feel unsatisfied..but i dunno wat to do i let it be..i still feel so hurt..