Tuesday, January 26, 2010

15 Reasons Why People Ask

Why do people ask?
  1. Curiosity
  2. Care
  3. They want answers
  4. Coz they suspects you
  5. It's a form of communication
  6. To avoid misunderstandings
  7. For learning process
  8. To annoy you
  9. To make suitable decisions
  10. They are lazy to think
  11. To prevent making mistakes
  12. To make comparison
  13. To confirm
  14. To get some opinion/suggestion
  15. To seek informations
Therefore, is it wrong for me to ask you some questions?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FFC Annual Dinner

Today i realized what was the taste of being an organizer to organize an annual dinner on my own. Frankly said, i did not organize any function during my school days before as gathering with friends are not counted. To find the suitable restaurant itself was quite a challenge. Not only have to do research in the internet, all the other works such as going almost half of the Penang island(excluding the hills), interviewing the managers regarding the foods provided and even through telephone calls for enquiries was not-so-easy and not-so-hard task at all. After confirmation on everything so i decided to book Sirarom Thai Restaurant. Though all(not totally all) went smoothly for me, there was sudden turn down in a number of people who does not want to go. That alone gave me a sudden shock as i booked the restaurant for 55 people and only 10 people manage to turn up. Therefore asked my club manager to solve this problem. Luckily after some persuasion, the number of people shot up to 27. Really thank God for that.

After all, on the 11-1-2010 at 7.30pm, all the members gather outside the restaurant. Everyone was enjoying their food. I felt glad that everything turns out smoothly and they appreciate my effort.